DMSC Denver Mini Maker Faire

Went to the Denver Mini Maker Faire this weekend with the Denver Mad Scientist Club. We had a pretty good size booth. Bill Llewellyn brought out the bicycle powered air gun. John Morse was representing the Critter Crunch and had the reigning champion Fang on hand. There were some impromtu matches from some of the Loveland Robotics club folks (aka The Tick). Dale brought a bunch of kids from the Open School in Denver and they had a Monkey Physics display in which they were shooting a monkey dropped by an elctromagnet with a tennis ball fired from an air cannon. The magnet was triggered to drop the monkey as the trigger was fired on the air cannon. So there was some tricky timing involed. Mike Miller was present with his Delta Bot 3D printer and he also brought a Jacobs ladder and VanDeGraaf generator which were hugely popular. People were zapping each other left, right, and center. Someone maybe Mike brought a plasma globe as well. Jay Bohmer, Robert Racansky, Dan Kuckes and my wife Melva were on hand helping out with all the displays.
I brought the Hexacopter for display as well as a 3D printer and 3D scanner. The idea was to 3D scan people and print them out. We did about 37 or so 3D scans of people with an Asus Xtion Live Pro and a copy of Reconstructme. It was pretty succesful though I did not get everything working on that until Sunday. I was also able to 3D scan and print some of the DMSC folks that were there.
A big thank you to everyone that helped out.
Here are some picture from the event
Here is a picture of the 3D scanning setup
Here is the rouges gallery of Mad Scientists
Here is Mike with Mini Mike
And Dale with Mini Dale
John with Mini John
And Bill with Mini Bill
And Me with Mini Me
And here is the whole DMSC Denver Mini Maker Faire gang next to a cool Land Speeder display. May the Forth be with you!
One of the kids we did a 3D scan for went home and printed his out on his own 3D printer he sent me a pic. Very cool!
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Reader Comments (2)
If we had a set of little columns, we could put the mini-busts on them and rival a collection of Greek philosophers, no?
There's no r in "geek".
You can read Billll's blogging about the event at
"Maker Faire - Setup" May 02, 2014
"Maker Faire - Teardown" May 06, 2014 with pictures